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Showing posts from February, 2022

Religion 100 Intro to Religion Discussion Posts

  Chapters 1-2: Studying Religion I liked the authors version of the quote by George Bernard Shaw, "We never doubt that we know what it is-until, of course, we start thinking about it" (page 4).  On page 8 Livingston proposed his "working definition of religion" as such, "Religion is that system of activities and beliefs directed toward and in response to that which is perceived to be of sacred and transforming power." In my own words I would say it is doing things and believing in something you believe to hold special power so that you can obtain a desired result. This could be living a certain way to stay in a deities good graces or performing a specific act to reach a higher level of consciousness.  The approached that interested me is sociology. The sociological approach "focuses its attention on  social  behavior and the way in which religion interacts with other dimensions of our social experience" (page 22). This can help us understand how

Buddhism zen koan

Grade: 5/5 Teacher comments: Great description of a Zen koan. Also, your analysis of the Not the Flag koan is insightful. Great work! 2/22/22 A Zen koan is a “paradoxical riddle designed to astound the mind” (Brodd, p. 179). Zen koans are used by the Zen Buddhism sect of Mahayana Buddhism. Zen Buddhists believe that by meditating on a zen koan “the rational mind falters, allowing awareness to settle into a deeper, intuitive experience of one’s own nature as Buddha nature” (Brodd, p. 179). This process can lead to satori which is sudden enlightenment. Enlightenment leads to nirvana which is the ultimate goal of Buddhism. Not the Wind, Not the Flag In this koan the sixth patriarch tells the two monks that are arguing that it’s not the flag or the wind that is moving. The patriarch tells them that it is their mind which I interpreted to mean it is their perception of the flag and wind in their mind that causes them to see movement. Buddhist believe that nothing is permanent and that all

Bhagavad Gita Paper

Grade 8/10 Teacher feedback:  Good discussion of the key concepts! Your paper is well-organized and -written. You include good examples of the terms requested and place them in separate paragraphs in your analysis. However, you do not include explanations of the four terms (-0.5 each). Otherwise, good work. Celeste Jackson                                                                                           02/06/22 REL 230 Religions of the World  What is the reason for Arjuna’s indecision? At the end of The First Teaching, page 27, stanza 47 we read that Arjuna has slumped down into his chariot and “his mind is tormented with grief”. He finds himself at a personal crossroad in the middle of a battle where the opposing side is his family.  We can understand his internal conflict when he says “How can we ignore the wisdom of turning from this evil when we see the sin of family destruction, Krishna?”(pg. 26, st. 39). Arjanu tells his charioteer Krishna that his only choices are to ki

Hinduism's Key Points Exercise

Rel 230 World Religions  Brahaman - everything is Atman - true self Maya - illusion of duality Karma - actions - don’t want any Dharma - duty/responsibility Samsara - cycle of rebirth Moksha - liberation from the system, returning to Brahaman Hindus find themselves stuck in Samsara. By discovering their Dharma they are able to get rid of their Karma. This allows them to find their Atman and no longer see the world through Maya.  Then they will enter into Moksha and be Brahaman.