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Showing posts from March, 2022

Interview Project REL 230

Grade: 100/100 points Comments: This was a very unique project topic that I don’t often hear about. Your additional questions are interesting and relevant. I especially like #14, #19, and #20. Your introduction is very helpful since I was not familiar with some of the details you provide. Your essay is well-written and includes great analysis, particularly on the issue of group persecution which I found insightful. You also found great comparisons with Daoism.  Terrific job! Name: Celeste Jackson Date of Interview: February 18, 2022 Name of Interviewee: Melissa Judon Interviewees religion and denomination: African Traditional Religions (Hatian Vodu, Hoodoo, and Yoruba Ifa) Part 1: The Interview Question #1: What is the goal of your religion? Answer #1: Honoring God and ancestors. Getting closer to the ancestors and honoring them brings you closer to God. Question #2: Would you say that your beliefs help define who you are? Why or why not? Answer #2: Yes. My whole life is built arou...

Judaism Creation Stories Paper

Grade: 10/10 Teacher comments : Your paper is well-written and provides excellent discussion points. However, your final topic of evil stretches into the other creation account in order to find evidence of evil since there doesn't seem to be any in the Cosmogony account. Celeste Jackson 3/20/22 REL 230   Genesis The Cosmogony 1. In the cosmogony account of Genesis the word Elohim for God is used. Elohim is found in the first words of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning when God... ”. Elohim is used for the first creation in Genesis 1:3 “Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light”. Another example is in His last creation in Genesis 1:27, “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”. God is used in all but 7 verses between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 2:3. Genesis 2:4b is where Yahweh Elohim, Lord God, begins to appear.  2. The cosmology account of creation shows God creating something out of no...

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 Kali Meditation On Breathing by Sarah Dan Jones Torii Gate

Explain the Yin-Yang symbol

Grade: 5/5 Comments:  Very good description of the yin-yang symbol. REL 230 Yin-Yang Meaning Yin-yang is one way that the dao expresses itself. The yin-yang are two equal, opposite, and complementary forces. Yin is the dark side and is considered passive, recessive, weak, and feminine. Yang is the white side and is considered active, dominant, strong and masculine. In the symbol each side had a bit of the other. It is believed that the universe is made up of yin-yang energies called chi or qi. All elements are made up of the two forces and both are required for balance.

REL 100 Observation Project

 Total Points: 48.5/50 Comments:  multiple uses of the book, the use of the concept of representational symbols is excellent Celeste Jackson                                                                                                            2/25/22 Rel 100 Observation Project                          Video Link: For my observation project I chose to observe a Unitarian Universalist service. The service I viewed via Youtube was held at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond located in Richmond, Virginia. The service was led by Rev. Jeanne Pupke and members of the church’s Buddhist study group. The Uni...