I really enjoyed doing this! I think I needed to talk to someone who came from a similar background and process what I've been through the past 8 years. Hopefully I haven't been too annoying and scared him off so that we can do another episode with his friend.
Student Name: Celeste Jackson Project Title: Compare/Contrast: The Characteristics of Natural Law According to Thomas Aquinas And Mencius: A brief Comparison of “Precepts” and “Seeds” Research Paper Grading Rubric Heading (5%) 5% Adequate heading for your paper. Introduction (15%) 15% Your introduction clearly indicates your topic and your thesis statement. Topic Analysis (60%) 60% Your analysis is a very interesting comparison of the two figures. Your information is well-organized and presented. Your analysis is informative and you support your discussion with academic sources. I appreciate your conclusions about how the two figures from different religions have similar views. Overall, very good work! Conclusion (15%) 15% Good conclusion that provides an excellent summary of your paper’s content. Professionalism (5%) 5% Excellent work! Total: 100% Celeste Jackson ...
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