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Showing posts from May, 2022

REL 230 Research Project #1

Student Name: Celeste Jackson Project Title: Artifact: Ellen G White, “The Great Controversy”, and the Controversy of Plagiarism Research Paper Grading Rubric Heading (5%) 5% Adequate heading for your paper. Introduction (15%) 15% Your introduction clearly indicates your topic and your thesis statement. Topic Analysis (60%) 60% Your project is a terrific examination of The Great Controversy. You provide excellent context for Adventism, White, and her visions and text. You also nicely summarize the issues relating to the charges of plagiarism in her text. Your discussion is well-supported with academic sources although I noted places where you needed to cite a source. Overall, great work!   Conclusion (15%) 15% Good conclusion that provides an excellent summary of your paper’s content.  Professionalism (5%) 5%  Excellent work!  Total: 100%   Celeste Jackson                           ...

REL 230 Research Project #2

  Student Name: Celeste Jackson Project Title: Compare/Contrast: The Characteristics of Natural Law According to Thomas Aquinas And Mencius: A brief Comparison of “Precepts” and “Seeds” Research Paper Grading Rubric Heading (5%) 5% Adequate heading for your paper. Introduction (15%) 15% Your introduction clearly indicates your topic and your thesis statement. Topic Analysis (60%) 60% Your analysis is a very interesting comparison of the two figures. Your information is well-organized and presented. Your analysis is informative and you support your discussion with academic sources. I appreciate your conclusions about how the two figures from different religions have similar views. Overall, very good work! Conclusion (15%) 15% Good conclusion that provides an excellent summary of your paper’s content.  Professionalism (5%) 5%  Excellent work!  Total: 100% Celeste Jackson                            ...


I really enjoyed doing this! I think I needed to talk to someone who came from a similar background and process what I've been through the past 8 years. Hopefully I haven't been too annoying and scared him off so that we can do another episode with his friend. 

New Religious Movement Summary REL 230

Comments:  Very good summaries with considerable detail! However, the assignment is late.   The Theosophical Society This society was started by Helena Petrovna and Henry S. Olcott in 1875. Their goal was to bring together Eastern and Western spiritual ideas, Western occult and mystical thought. Petrovna and Olcott claimed to have secret knowledge and teaching from “Ascended Masters” from India and Tibet. Petronova was known for promoting seances. Their successors were C. W. Leabeater and Annie Besant. The two encouraged their followers to accept an Indian mystic named Jiddu Krishamurti. They believed he would bring all world religions together under theosophy. Instead, Krishamurti left the society and renounced his title. Today there are still Theosophical Society members in the US and India.  ISKCON: The International Society for Krishna Consciousness The ISKCON is a group that bases its philosophy on the teachings of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. Swami brought the belief ...

Trinity Summary REL 230

Comments: Great explanation with good details! Good analogy, too!   4/10/22 Submit a paragraph that explains the Christian idea of the Trinity. Explain all three elements of the Trinity as well as how each relates to the others. Also, provide an analogy for the Trinity.  Christian believe that the Trinity is the divine power of God expressed through three entities, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity describes God as three in one, each with their own function or purpose. God the Father is the creator and everything in existence depends on Him. God the Son is fully divine and fully human. He was the one sent to earth to serve as a sacrifice for humankind for their salvation. God the Holy Spirit represents the spirit of God acting in the world and allows man to feel and interact with God. According to the Nicene Creed God the Father has always been, God the Son came from God but was not made. God the Holy Spirit came from God the Father according to the Eastern...

Judaism Creation Stories Paper REL 230

Comments: Your paper is well-written and provides excellent discussion points. However, your final topic of evil stretches into the other creation account in order to find evidence of evil since there doesn't seem to be any in the Cosmogony account.   Celeste Jackson 3/20/22 REL 230   Genesis The Cosmogony 1. In the cosmogony account of Genesis the word Elohim for God is used. Elohim is found in the first words of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning when God... ”. Elohim is used for the first creation in Genesis 1:3 “Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light”. Another example is in His last creation in Genesis 1:27, “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”. God is used in all but 7 verses between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 2:3. Genesis 2:4b is where Yahweh Elohim, Lord God, begins to appear.  2. The cosmology account of creation shows God creating something out of nothing. God said “let...

REL 100 Report 2: Interview

  Comments:  some more explanation would clarify how her beliefs fit henotheism Total Points 48/50 Celeste Jackson                                                                                        4/25/22 REL 100             Melissa Project 2 - Interview For my project I chose to interview my cousin-in-law, Melissa J. I conducted our interview virtually using Google Meets. She practices three African Traditional Religions (ATR). I chose to interview her because I didn’t know she no longer considered herself a Christian and I was not familiar with ATR. The three ATR’s she practices are Haitian Vodu, Yoruba Ifa, and Hoodoo.  Hatian Vodu was started by African’s brought to Haiti as slaves. It combines West African...